
Agriculture builds upon the integration of crops and the environment, with which its yield depends strongly on a healthy soil foundation. With that in mind, the knowledge of the soil and fertilizer is crucial to maintaining an environment with optimal nutrients, water and oxygen for crop production. Soil is one of human’s precious resources, the protection and nurturing of our soil is thus an integral part of sustainable development.

Effective soil management is considered not only a technology, but also an art. In practice, to make use the full potential of the land, the management strategies need to take account of the differences and characteristics of the soil, plant and climate that are unique to each geographical location. Such an approach is increasingly more important nowadays because of the increasing loss of cultivable land and need of high quality agricultural products.

This book is a translation of SOIL AND FERTILIZER (in Chinese, 9th edition, 2010). This is based on my first-hand experiences in research and field application over the past 40 years. In addition, many materials also come from up-to-date textbooks and research articles that I came across during my teaching career. I consider this the state of the art reference book for those who are interested in the field of soil and fertilizer. The book emphasizes on practical skills in real-world applications, supplemented with theoretical, that allow the readers to efficiently put theory into practice.

Soil and Fertilizer- Concepts and Practice是本非常有意思的自然科學書﹐但如何選擇適合自己的產品呢,這幾天看了許多文章等相關文章後

好看的自然科學Soil and Fertilizer- Concepts and Practice全書的內容大意



Soil and Fertilizer- Concepts and Practice是本不錯的自然科學,誠意推薦給大家看喔!

在網路上很夯,人氣蠻不錯,看完心情愉快, 正能量滿滿, 大推。

Soil and Fertilizer- Concepts and Practice曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。

  • 原文作者: Chiu-Chung Young
  • 出版社:Airiti Press Inc.

  • 出版日期:2014/08/01
  • 語言:英文





  • 原文作者: Chiu-Chung Young
  • 出版社:Airiti Press Inc.

  • 出版日期:2014/08/01
  • 語言:英文

Agriculture builds upon the integration of crops and the environment, with which its yield depends strongly on a healthy soil foundation. With that in mind, the knowledge of the soil and fertilizer is crucial to maintaining an environment with optimal nutrients, water and oxygen for crop production. Soil is one of human’s precious resources, the protection and nurturing of our soil is thus an integral part of sustainable development.

Effective soil management is considered not only a technology, but also an art. In practice, to make use the full potential of the land, the management strategies need to take account of the differences and characteristics of the soil, plant and climate that are unique to each geographical location. Such an approach is increasingly more important nowadays because of the increasing loss of cultivable land and need of high quality agricultural products.

This book is a translation of SOIL AND FERTILIZER (in Chinese, 9th edition, 2010). This is based on my first-hand experiences in research and field application over the past 40 years. In addition, many materials also come from up-to-date textbooks and research articles that I came across during my teaching career. I consider this the state of the art reference book for those who are interested in the field of soil and fertilizer. The book emphasizes on practical skills in real-world applications, supplemented with theoretical, that allow the readers to efficiently put theory into practice.

Soil and Fertilizer- Concepts and Practice

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紐約變電箱爆炸 皇后區大跳電 藍光乍現夜空



據每日新聞(Daily News)報導,大概27日晚10時30分左右,聯合愛迪生公司從現場搬走那台燒毀的電壓器,約10呎高,2呎寬。


聯合愛迪生(Con Edson)電力公司在27日晚11時推文指出,這次意外是「僅是單純的電力火災」,「造成輸電量下降」,該公司表示,電力系統「十分穩定」。






白思豪在推特上表示,目前我們所知道的是,藍光是由變電站的電突波(electrical surge)引起的。




市長白思豪發言人菲利普(Eric Phillips)在推特上說,這些光線主要源自皇后區設施的「變壓器爆炸」。他說,不少地區電力停止供應,包括拉瓜地亞機場在內。

紐約警方表示,這場27日晚間在聯合愛迪生(Con Edison)電力公司設施爆發的火災已得到控制,沒有人員受傷。



22:02紐約皇后區大跳電 拉瓜地亞機場一度關閉




???<圖輯>藍光照夜空 外星人來訪? 變電箱爆炸!


也有居民表示,家中的電流短暫閃爍,嚇到他們以為 是停電,但所幸只有短短幾秒即馬上恢復。

聯合愛迪生(Con Edison)電力公司證實位於皇后區阿斯托利亞的變壓器突發故障,伴有變電箱爆炸,已派專人緊急處理,消防員也迅速趕到清理現場。




在法拉盛工作的David Berrios表示,發生斷電的幾秒鐘夜空持續閃過藍光,以為外星人來了。



Power Surge at the ConEd facility in Astoria.

— NYCFireWire (@NYCFireWire) 2018年12月28日


阿斯托利亞的市議員Costa Constantinides表示,目前意外沒有引發任何傷情,住在附近的民眾無需撤離。


石棉洩漏恐慌 影響十餘街區 周遭如「死城」

〈圖輯〉氣爆洩石棉 曼哈頓49棟樓疏散


東洋 維持多頭格局












Soil and Fertilizer- Concepts and Practice


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